Jul 13, 2011

The Continuation


     Yesterday was a continuation of the day before got up and eat something checked my email and checked for updates from my friends on Facebook. after words i decided that i would go and mow the lawn so i did. after words i came back in and took a shower, witch was kinda hot guess i should have turned down the temp lol. All well no harm no foul, i was really hungry after words so i decide that i would go and eat something, so i fixed myself a bowl of cereal. witch was good. well after some time went by and watching TV episodes i eat real dinner. well i decided after that and reading some of other blog post that i would go for a drive down to my thinking spot. (It is even more secluded  then it used to be do to over growth) it took me a will to get to it.

    As i was there I took a few pitchers and watched the birds for a while, and as i sat there thinking i realized something. this would be a good spot to bring somebody and talk. Though maybe not do to that it kinda smells, not of trash but of still water. well the time was about 6:50 so i got up and left to head over to Krysta's to finish the Marathon. When i arrived i was the first one there as all ways, witch is okay by me i would prefer to be early then late. Its the always being the last one to leave that might bug people. well we went downstairs and set everything up as we waited for everybody to get there. We didn't have to what long do to that people were already on there way, and got there shortly.

      We watched the movies, and had some popcorn witch i think i will bring some tonight again. i believe how much i have forgot about the books, witch kinda doesn't surprise  me  because it has been years sense i have read them at all. but i enjoyed them.  Tonight we are watching 4&5 witch are very good. after that i went home and went to bed. (without reading my scriptures, i feel bad about that) I need to get in the habit of doing that more often.

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