Sep 10, 2011


 Today I went on a date with a friend, and I had fun. let me tell ya. I had a great time. I always enjoy talking and doing stuff with her.  We went to see Captain America, it is such a great show. If you haven't seen it yet I highly recommend it. After ward we and had, well I guess you could call it Linner. Sense it is between Lunch and Dinner, but anyways we went to Arby's. And then I took her home, and in good time to. Because I believe it is about to rain. 

  I started watching the USopen for Tennis, and was talking to my friend about it, and part of the way throw it I just went over to her house and watched it there. The reason for that is sense we were talking a lot about it anyway mine as well watch it were we could talk face to face about it. After we were cut off from watching the rest of it, because the day was apparently over with. we watched some random commercial witch were kinda funny. 
  And that was my day. O and P.S.

Isn't amazing the difference is between running and riding a bike. I mean I can ride my bike for 3 miles no problem, but when it comes to running I can't even make it a quoter of a mile before I have to stop and rest.

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