Oct 9, 2011

Bonding Moment

Daring Elder Randlle K. Benett's talk on the afternoon session of conference. He talked about not just watching for the signs, but also to heed there warning.

  Let me share a story with you. that I found the other day of a family from Norway.

  As a little girl and her father were crossing a bridge as they were camping. The father was kinda scared, so he asked his little daughter. "Sweetheart please hold my hand. So that you don't fall into the river." The little girl said. "No, Daddy. You hold my hand."
  "Whats the difference? Asked the puzzled father." " There is a big difference." Replied the little girl." If I hold your hand and something happens to me, chances are I may let your hand go. But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens, you will never let my hand go..."

  Now I tell you this story because I had a simaler story. That follows Benett's story as well.

  As me and my family were on a trip to Disney Land. we were driving by the sore line. So we decided to stop and swim for a while before we went to are hotel. As I was playing by the sore and have as much fun as a boy can have building sand castles. As time went along I become aware that I was left alone. Everyone was out beyond the the waves. Being a boy of 7 I didn't want to be left out. so I started for the water. Ignoring my mothers warnings of not to go into the water. And being that young I don't know anything about under tows in the water. As I waded out into the water I was swept of my feet. And drag out under the water. I desperately tried to gain my footing again and again. but every time I did, the water seemed to pull me back under. I got trapped in the swirling water of the waves. Having sand, and salt water in my eyes and throat. And not able to get to the serfice I really thought I was going to die.  But without warning. I felt something pushed me up to the serfic just long enough that long enough between the gasping for air, and swallowing I managed to get out a cry for help. before the water pulled me back under.  Frantically trying to swim towards the serfice I hit something hard above me with my hand. without know what it was I tried to grab onto it. when I was able to get a grip I realized it was a hand. I don't know how it was, or how pulled me to the shore. But I thank them. for with out them I would not be here.

  "In any relationship the essence of trust is not in its bind, but in its bond. So hold the hand of the person whom you love rather then expecting them to hold yours..."


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