Jul 21, 2011

Can't Sleep


          I wish that I could sleep, but last night was one of the worst nights that I have had in a long time. I went to bed around midnight, but didn't fall asleep till about 12:30, I couldn't get my mind to stop screaming in my ear. I don't know how many times I really woke up last night, but it was some were around 5 or 6 times I believe, and one of those time I actually woke up on the floor. Witch is very hard for me to do, that means that I had to roll over my pillows and onto the couch and of that onto the floor. Honestly I really haven't been able to sleep well in a couple years, and I think I know why, but I'm not going to talk about it here.

      So fare today I got up at 7:30 because I just can't sleep and watched some TV. It was about 9:20 or so when I went out and eat breakfast, ( I had scone's) Yum Yum. I just a few minuets I will be heading over to my grandfathers to finish what I started yesterday, moving all the food storage into storage. I am going to be so tired afterwards.

  I was right I am so tired, and debating if I should go take a nap or not. but if i take a nap then I won't be able to sleep tonight again. so ill just have to force myself to stay awake. The time is currently 12:08PM and i am going to go eat lunch right now. After I think I am going to go finish the episode that I'm on, and I really need to call Krysta today. but I have no idea when to call here because I don't want to interrupt her if she is doing something important. I think i will call here in like an hour or so but first i need to eat.


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